March 2009 Archives

Push Butt for Weather Information

Photo by Fuzzy Gerdes.

Dogs, Bicycles, Bottles or Ass Not Permitted in Playlot

Photo by Fuzzy Gerdes.

Use or Sale of Rugs and Weapons

Photo by Fuzzy Gerdes.

In Case of Emergency Press Alarm Butt

Photo by Fuzzy Gerdes.

Ass: Handle With Care

Photo by Erica Gerdes.

Push Butt on Side

Photo by Ryan Riley and Sylvia Fellin.

push butt to stop escalator

Photo by Fuzzy Gerdes.

The Curious Case of Jamin Butt

Photo by Wendy McClure.

To Operate Press Butt

Photo by Fuzzy Gerdes.

Push Butt for Walk Signal

Photo by Fuzzy Gerdes.

367 Days - Day 167

Photo by Fuzzy Gerdes.

Push Butt to Start

Photo by Leigh Vandiver.

Barry Court Condoms

Photo by Erica Gerdes.

Push Butt and Release

Photo by Fuzzy Gerdes.

1. Push Butt 2. Rub Hands Gently Under Arm

Photo by Digital Sextant.

To Cross Push Butt

Photo by Fuzzy Gerdes.

Use the Butt Marked Alarm to Summon Ass

Photo by Fuzzy Gerdes.

Push Butt, Receive Bacon

Photo by Fuzzy Gerdes.

Push Butt for Signal

Photo by Fuzzy Gerdes.

Push Butt for Ass

Yes, this blog is primarily intended for photos of actual signs, but here we are with our second cartoon of the week. Whee! Check out the large size of this cartoon by Noah Ginex.

1. Push Butt 2. Pull Lever Twice

Photo by Fuzzy Gerdes.

Push Butt and Release

Photo by Fuzzy Gerdes.

366 Cartoons - 031 - Coyote and Raven

Posting my own cartoon here is probably self-indulgent, but that's what this whole site is, anyway.

Push Butt for (Arrow)

Photo by Fuzzy Gerdes.

Press Butt for Ass

Photo by Fuzzy Gerdes.

Assenger Loading - Unloading

Photo by Erica Gerdes.

Push Red Butt

Photo by Fuzzy Gerdes.

Push Butt, Receive Bacon

Photo by Fuzzy Gerdes.

Push Butt Wait for Walk Signal

Photo by Fuzzy Gerdes.

Push Butt WAIT For Walk Signal

Photo by Fuzzy Gerdes.

No Vehicles on Ass

Photo by Christopher and Katie Reid.

5. Push Butt for Receipt

Photo by Fuzzy Gerdes.

Push Butt to Talk to Train Operator

Photo by Fuzzy Gerdes.

If you press this butt by accident

Photo by Fuzzy Gerdes.

About Push Butt

At Push Butt we're easily amused. If you've got a picture we can share, please let us know at We always strive to credit original photographers and submitters.

About this Archive

This page is an archive of entries from March 2009 listed from newest to oldest.

February 2009 is the previous archive.

April 2009 is the next archive.

Find recent content on the main index or look in the archives to find all content.

Recent Comments

  • bryan: For posterity, that's the Maywood Costco gas station. And I read more
  • Eric Reda: Crap! You beat me to it! :) read more
  • Eric Reda: This may be my favorite one yet! read more
  • Fuzzy: I've seen them all over, but I think that particular read more
  • Eric Reda: Where is this one? I've seen this one!!! read more
